Critical video in Latin America and the Caribbean
The aim of this exhibition is to insist on visibility as the only way of resistance; the obstinacy to continue putting under pressure the mainstream media through micro-politics, in this occasion through personal images, ethically and aesthetically elaborated, juxtaposed to the manufactured images ready for a quick and irresponsible consumption. The selection questions us about the effectiveness and the scope of action of critical art, about the author’s ethic responsibility while working in this field, about the subaltern (in)capacity to represent him or herself, about the need of recognition in the works that deal with social and political issues, about the role assumed by Latin American art and artists in the international context, and lastly, about the curator’s legitimacy to undertake his or her work in the transnational context.
All the works in Videoarde are inserted on the field of mediation and transformation of the social space, sometimes showing the peculiar ways to confront daily life and some others reflecting upon critical aspects: politics, history/memory, identity, social crisis, violence, machismo, sex, religion, frontier and emigration, urban space and art. The exhibition features 32 videos by artists from Mexico, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Panama, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Ecuador, Bolivia, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, US and Spain. The works strike up a dialogue through three different programs: Men, Wolves and Men, Vital Space and My way: Lessons on Local Survival.

Under Discussion (2005), de Jennifer Allora y Guillermo Calzadilla

Body Art (2008) de Javier Castro, Luís Gárciga y Grethell Rasúa

XX II (2007), de Regina José Galindo