New frontiers for the audiovisual in Latin America and the Caribbean
The main aim of the encounters was to expose and to analyze the characteristics of contemporary video production in the different areas of Latin America and the Caribbean, posing its relation with the international context and studying the trends and future challenges. The symposium, organized by Laura Baigorri and coordinated by local specialists in each country, included round tables where well-known scholars, managers, and national artists debated and reflected upon essential features of video art in their home countries. They discussed the different symptoms of video production in their countries, the role of the video curators, the format review and the exhibition centers, the importance of amateur video, the role of video distributors, the growth of real-time audiovisuals and the professional position of the different agents towards their practice: managers, curators, critics and artists.
The symposiums were successively held in Centros Culturales de España in several Latin American cities: in 2008 they took place in Montevideo (26 September), Buenos Aires (4 October), Córdoba/Rosario (4 November) and Santiago de Chile (11 November). In 2009 it was the turn of Centro Cultural de España in Mexico City (27-28 January) and the Universidad Andina Simón Bolivar of Quito (1-2 July). Each symposium ended with an open discussion and included the presentation of the book __Vídeo en Latinoamérica. Una historia crítica [Latin American video. A critical history].

- Uruguay (Montevideo)
- Argentina (Buenos Aires)
- Argentina (Córdoba y Rosario)
- Chile (Santiago de Chile)
- México (México DF)
- Ecuador (Quito)
- Perú (Lima)
- Paraguay (Asunción)

Prelude for meditation (2006) de Edgar Endress